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The Round-Table Meeting of RCEP Regional Economic and Trade Cooperation 2022, Shaanxi, China held in Xi’an

Article source:Trade Development Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce 2022-08-23 04:47:13

The Round-Table Meeting of RCEP Regional Economic and Trade Cooperation 2022, Shaanxi, China held in Xi’an



The Round-Table Meeting of RCEP Regional Economic and Trade Cooperation 2022, Shaanxi, China, co-sponsored by Ministry of Commerce of P. R. China and the Shaanxi Provincial Government, was held during the 6th Silk Road Expo. Assistant Minister Li Fei of Ministry of Commerce of PRC, Vice Governor Ye Niuping of Shaanxi Provincial Government, and Secretary General Chen Dehai of ASEAN-China Centre, attended and addressed the event.


Mr. Li Fei said that China is now actively promoting the high-quality implementation of the RCEP Agreement, fulfilling its obligations under the Agreement at a high level, and providing better services and a business environment with more freedom and convenience for RCEP members. With the aim of working with all parties to facilitate the establishment of RCEP mechanism, China will host economic and technological cooperation events, continue to elevate the liberalization and facilitation of regional trade and investment, and further strengthen the industry supply chains. MOFCOM will continue to support Shaanxi on RCEP issue and provide necessary assistance on catching RCEP development opportunities.


Mr. Ye Niuping mentioned that Shaanxi maintains close ties with RCEP member countries in trade, investment, cultural and civil exchanges and communications. The RCEP boosts Shaanxi's to a high-level opening-up, as well as brings new cooperation opportunities to both Shaanxi and RCEP member countries. Shaanxi will take this Roundtable as an opportunity to engage in high-quality and precise alignment with the RCEP Agreement, continuously improve the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment, and share policy dividends and development opportunities with RCEP member countries.


Mr. Chen Dehai addressed that ASEAN-China Centre is the sole intergovernmental international organization jointly established by China and ten ASEAN countries. With the RCEP framework, ASEAN-China Center will continue to function as a bridge and tie of exchanges and cooperation between Shaanxi Province and ASEAN countries, which will promote regional cooperation between China and ASEAN countries and build a closer China-ASEAN comprehensive strategic partnership.

Diplomats from 10 RCEP member countries attended the event, including Australia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Attendees committed sufficient communication on issues of promoting economic and trade cooperation among RCEP member countries and development issues in the Asia Pacific region under the event theme of To Share the Opportunity of Development, To Realize Win-Win Cooperation.


The above event co-organized by Trade Development Bureau (TDB) of the Ministry of Commerce and Department of Commerce of Shaanxi Province, was presided over by Mr. Wu Zhengping, Director General of TDB.